Happy Easter! (for 50 days)

Easter Sunday is one day.

The Easter Season, however, is 7 weeks long. It begins with Easter Sunday (April 21 this year) and concludes June 8, the day before Pentecost Sunday. We have a lot more rejoicing and celebrating to do!

How do we keep the Easter party going?

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There are many ways to stay fully engaged in the wonder and gift that is Jesus’ resurrection and continuation of ministry:

  1. Notice the new life around you.
    • Smile at and/or hold a baby.
    • Notice a flowering plant each day for 7 days straight–how is it changing and blooming?
    • Wake up rested from a good night’s sleep–how are you energized, renewed, able to feel and think more clearly?
    • Eat healthy foods that were grown in the ground or on plants/trees. How does it feel to feed your body whole foods, unprocessed and fresh? Think of the last time you ate only processed foods from a box (or oversalted & fried foods at a restaurant); compare your energy levels.
    • Compliment a friend or family member who is pursuing and achieving their goals. Celebrate their growth.
  2. Live with Gratitude.
    • Write down 25 things, people or concepts that you are grateful for. Each day of these 50 days, add a few more things to your list. By the end, you’ll literally have HUNDREDS of connections you have established as positives in your life. You are creating space for hope, space for healing, space for beautifully wondrous possibilities.
      • After you’ve written down some of these, be aware of how you are changing, what you’re feeling inside (peace? relaxation? joy? connected to God and others?). Live into that feeling–it’s good stuff!
    • Check out some Scriptures that focus on gratitude, specifically from the Psalms: Chapter 30, 40, 68, 99, 103, to name a few.
  3. Think of ways you can be “Easter people.”
    • See the video of one of my favorite Easter Worship songs, below. These kids are loving singing this song.
    • How are you living as “an Easter people?” We say we’re Christians; okay, how are our actions reflecting the Hallelujahs of Christ’s resurrection? It’s something we can all think about more. = )

We Are and Easter People by David Light

We are an Easter people, and alleluia is our song!

We are an Easter people, and alleluia, alleluia, alleluia is our song!

Verse 1:Today is the day so long foretold in the books of the prophecies of old,

that a Saviour who died would rise again so that we who believe might rise with him!

Verse 2:Today he has come to shed his light on a people who wandered in endless night.

Now together we live in him and raise a joyful sacrifice of praise.

Verse 3:Today he has conquer’d death and sin, and the powers of darkness cannot win

over any who give their lives to him! Let us open our hearts and let Jesus in.

Verse 4: Today he has opened up our eyes. In the morning, he said, the Son would rise!

May we know in the breaking of the bread the one who is risen from the dead.

Register your family for our weekend All-Church Retreat! http://holmeswood.org/ministries/all-church-retreat 

Coming Up:

  • Register your family for our weekend All-Church Retreat! Sept 6-8, 2019. http://holmeswood.org/ministries/all-church-retreat 
  • Saturday, May 4: Toddler Camp (& Parents’ Camp!), ages 1-4 from 10-11am
    • Please RSVP to Laurel . cluthe @ holmeswood .org (or text) if your family is planning on attending!
  • Sunday, May 5: Children & Youth at the Lord’s Table during BFG (a special activity on Communion)
  • Wednesday, May 8: Youth/College Denver Mission Planning Meeting, 6-7:45pm
  • Sunday, May 12: Graduate Sunday

Happy Easter, Easter people!


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